The Sacrifice


Blogger OK ok ok ok said...

i especially like this one, i am trying as hard as i can to imagine what the image on the left is, so far i have come to the conclusion that it is someone holding a flamingo and theres a leash hanging down next to their legs.
i tried turning my head to one side and squinting my eyes really hard (as you do with the notorious 'magic eye' puzzles) but have yet come to a logical conclusion.
maybe the flamingo thing will just have to do.

5/22/2007 02:54:00 pm  
Blogger test fish said...

i was thinking about tweaking this one a bit, because no-one can tell what the hell is going on...
but now i think i have to leave it the way it is, because that comment totally made me LOL or ROFL or whatever the hell it is that one does when one is tremendously amused by something online.
so, er... ta. i think.

5/23/2007 12:44:00 am  

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